28 October 2013

Fall happenings

Here are a lot of random pictures from the last few weeks around our house.  Kaylynn started racking leaves several weeks ago and came up with this pile.  The piles she rakes every-other-day now are MUCH larger!  An example of that was one of the things I deleted when I was downloading pictures last time!
K had to make a poster to describe what the Student Council does.  Here is what she came up with.  She did such a nice job!
Cory and I went to Great American Beer Fest in Denver.  It was a blast!  In order to bring in your own food you have to wear it, hence, the food necklaces!  My favorite was a chai milk stout...mmm!
Finally, K had her school fun run to raise money and learn about healthy habits at the same time.  Here is her class getting ready to run.
The three munchkins.
I ran with K.  She was just shy of 2 miles in 20 minutes.
Feeling good after the race!

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