07 July 2011

Fern Falls Hike

On the 4th we headed up to RMNP in order to beat the heat and do a little hiking. We decided to hike the Fern Falls Trail. I bet you can't guess where it got its name from?!

And we're off!
(I didn't want to be left out of the pictures!)
The further up we went, the rockier it got.
There were still a lot of pretty wild flowers around (the pictures do not do it justice).We hiked up to "The Pool" and stopped to have a snack.
The chipmunks wanted to join us for lunch!
After our snack we decided to head back down. Kaylynn loved all the butterflies that were around (white, purple brown, yellow, orange...).
We were also lucky enough to see a young bull moose eating from a pond on the way down - I was thrilled, of course! (Kaylynn was pretty excited too!)
On our way out of the parking lot at the trail head we also saw a coyote. Another good day for wildlife at RMNP!
Then we stopped and had a picnic among the beautiful landscape. It was a fun day - even before the fireworks started!

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