27 July 2010

Sky Ranch

We took our annual trip up to Sky Ranch last weekend for Family Camp with our church and we had a great time! The weather was outstanding and it is always fun to spend some time up in the mountains at such a beautiful spot.

We did a service project our first morning there. We sanded and applied weather sealer to the log benches in the outdoor chapel and moved all the wood chips around. Kaylynn liked "painting" with Haley.
The outdoor chapel has a fantastic view. Here are some images looking out.

After that we went on a hike to Beaver Falls. Kaylynn loves to hike and climb on rocks so this was a favorite activity of hers for the weekend.
We did a lot of other things on Saturday including watching the humming birds at the lodge, fishing (Cory and K), archery (Jamie), horseshoes, tether ball, bocce ball and, of course, a campfire with songs and s'mores!
Several people saw a moose walking through the campground when we were on our hike so, of course, I was determined to see that! I got up before the others on Sunday morning and headed out to find that moose. I was torn between looking for the moose or using the bathroom first but the nature call won out and I headed towards the bathroom, rather then the meadow. As I was walking that way, looking side to side in the woods for the moose, I finally glanced forward and there, 15-20 feet in front of me standing right in the middle of the trail looking right at me was ... THE MOOSE! I quickly retreated while getting the camera out of the case and putting the zoom lens on all at the same time. I was unprepared, I was going to the bathroom first! I snapped a quick picture before he headed into the woods and then followed to the side of him at a good distance to take a few more pictures through the trees (there were way too many trees!). Not the greatest, but here are a couple.
He kept his eye on me and sauntered along, finally leaving the woods, crossing the main road, walking right past the lodge and into the meadow.
He had meandered along the edge of the meadow and forest and I stayed on the other side of the meadow and snapped several more pictures. Here are some action shots of him eating the leaves off a small tree.
It was so fun to be the only one up and watching this moose on his morning stroll. It made my day, and whole summer of camping, really! I hope he continues to hang out at Sky Ranch so we can watch him get bigger over the years.

While we were waiting for breakfast I noticed K striking poses with her shadow. It was really cute!
Pastor Paul making a monster pancake - He even flipped it all in one shot!
This was just a cool mushroom along a path.
Here is the full group of us after worship on Sunday morning. Several of us tie-dyed shirts on Saturday and all wore them the next day.It was a fabulous camping trip. If any of you locals are interested in joining us next year come talk to us!

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